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Thread: Leaders Index 10-8-24

  1. #1

    Leaders Index 10-8-24

    The market put in a solid rally today. The major averages opened higher and mostly worked its way up the rest of the day. All the major averages finished near their intraday trading highs. The NASD averages led the way with the COMPQ and the NDX gaining 1.45% and 1.55% respectively. The SPX rallied .97%. Volume was mixed, higher on the NASD and lower on the New York. Leading stocks had a good session as well with the leaders index gaining 1.71% on the day. The index closed high in its trading range on lower and below average volume. This was a new high for the leaders index on both a closing and a relative strength basis. The market put in a nice rally today and showed solid gains. The NASD averages led the way on higher volume, which is positive. Leading stocks are acting pretty well. The leaders index is leading the market and is in new high ground right now. It is encouraging when quality growth stocks put perform the overall market. The market is acting better right now and we may be seeing the beginning of the market moving into a year end rally phase. There are important inflation reports coming out tomorrow and Thursday and earnings season kicks in on Friday. The market is acting well right now and being invested is the right thing. Jerry
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