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Thread: +511 Club & +80 RS

  1. #41

    106 Names in +511 Club & 30 Names in RS +80


    Some of you guys have reached out and asked about my routine, set-up, etc..

    Here is a quick picture of my command center: Name:  IMAG0319.jpg
Views: 2528
Size:  254.0 KB

    Each of the monitors are 23.6 in Acer or Asus, and cost <$150 USD or less (on Newegg). The supports are from Tyke Supply (< $100). The Ikea desk is old & of zero commercial value. The laptops are an i5 HP (<$600 6/2012) and Asus i3 freebie (check slickdeals.com), and $1400 desktop (ebay vendor) running the 4 monitors with an over-clocked i7 and 32 GB Ram. Everything, was about $3K. TS is free, and I am trying to get off Qcharts which is $150 per month. IB is my primary broker and TS & Fidelity are back-up w/ the Fidelity commission-free ETF's.

    BTW - I always have the EV Site up.. I am always hard-staring the 20DMF.

    Ok, on to the market: today was good:

    TXI 4.08%
    DAL 3.86%
    HEES 2.87%
    WBMD 2.78%
    ILMN 1.77%
    PPC 1.00%
    TSN 0.98%
    HHC 0.60%
    EXAM 0.37%

    9 of 9 winners, and avg gain 2.03% - overall avg: +0.27%

    Secret sauce for you guys who have actually read this far... put these LEV leader names on a special watch list, and if they are not the day's tell w/n the first 10-15 min.. then its going to be a down-day (if they are down) and up day (if they are up)+511 Club's - May 3, 2013.xlsx- 1st one to proof me wrong on this gets a free dinner at Dante's in Great Falls, VA - on me..

    All my best,


  2. #42

    115 Names in +511 Club & 36 Names are +80 RS


    LNKD in was a LEV Leader on Fri, that hurt..

    HEES 5.48%
    CREE 3.36%
    DGI 1.64%
    LAMR 0.52%
    RJET 0.18%
    CYH -0.98%
    SPF -3.22%
    YELP -3.48%
    LNKD -13.07%

    5 of 9 winners, avg -1.06%


    +511 Club's - May 6, 2013.xlsx

  3. #43

    102 Names in +511 Club & 26 Names are RS +80


    The results today were:

    AXL 4.04%
    HEES 3.52%
    TLLP 2.43%
    ILMN 2.03%
    EXH 1.94%
    GWRE 1.14%
    JCOM 1.01%
    CX 0.50%
    SSNC -0.05%
    ARNA -1.44%
    YELP -1.38%
    THRX -3.24%

    8 of 12 winners, and avg gain of +0.88%


    +511 Club's - May 7, 2013.xlsx

  4. #44

    Daily return

    Shawn, since your lists are calculated and published after the close, it could make sense not to include the opening gaps in each stock's calculated return.

    Also, wouldn't it be interesting to set a weekly list and see the return for a five days period?
    That way, you avoid the day-trading difficulty and you can see whether the stock can be in general held for a few days.


  5. #45

    I like the weekly idea too!! That would be excellent! Hope it can be done

    This is really great stuff and much appreciated!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pascal View Post
    Shawn, since your lists are calculated and published after the close, it could make sense not to include the opening gaps in each stock's calculated return.

    Also, wouldn't it be interesting to set a weekly list and see the return for a five days period?
    That way, you avoid the day-trading difficulty and you can see whether the stock can be in general held for a few days.


  6. #46

    104 Names in +511 Club & 30 Names are RS +80


    Interesting day, another earnings hit to FSLR resulted in a significant decline.

    Name:  LEV Leaders Results - May 7, 2013.jpg
Views: 2405
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    5 of 9 winners, and avg was -0.62% from close-close and -0.782% from open-close.


    +511 Club's - May 8, 2013.xlsx

  7. #47

    123 names in +511 Club & 36 +80 RS


    Name:  P&L - May 8, 2-13.png
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    5 out of 10 winners, avg gain close-close was +0.56% and open-close gain was +1.16%

    Take care,


    +511 Club's - May 9, 2013.xlsx

  8. #48

    117 Names in +511 Club & 31 Names are+80 RS


    Name:  P&L - May 9, 2-13.png
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    I seldom hold a full position through earnings, and occasionally I will only take 1/2 off rather than sell out before earnings, and thereby roll the dice if I really like the name, e.g. I sold 100% of my LNKD before the earnings call (luck, for sure) and I held JCOM small through earnings (luckily, I got out really quickly this AM).

    As I watch the earnings season play out and how +511 club names react, the results have been quite interesting. That a name is on the +511 Club the night before an earnings event is a surprise to me .. but, hot names like FSLR & LNKD accomplished this.. I guess Institutional buyers buy into earnings.

    On a different matter, it appears to me that there is rotation going on in the market, e.g. after being a leading sector for months, XLU has seen some declines over the last few days. If some of the big pharma names (GSK is my tell) and consumer retail brands (JNJ is my tell) cannot resume their up trends in the next several days, and the biotech sector falters (IBB is my tell); then I think we have more evidence of the rotation. Meanwhile, the market indexes are holding up at recent-year highs, so I see rotation to other names rather than a rotation to cash which equals a downtrend.

    At this point, I only have theories about where $$ may be flowing, but am I holding Japan long via TM & DXJ; some tech names (CREE, GOOG, SPLK, QIHU), Divy names (HLLS, EMLP, REM, CHI, RESI) and others (IPG, CBRL). If you look at the LEV charts on the EV site, you will see the silky smooth LEV up trends that I favor, e.g. IPG, CBRL & TM. In order to sort his all out, my analysis starts with the long +511 Club list and I look further down the RS list into the 70's and mid-60's. Alternatively, one could wait until the beneficiaries of the rotation emerge up through the RS rankings.

    All my best.

    Shawn+511 Club's - May 10, 2013.xlsx

  9. #49

    154 names in +511 Club & 35 +80 RS


    Market is in a super--strong uptrend.

    Name:  P&L - May 13, 2013.png
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Size:  5.5 KB

    8 of 10 winners, and avg gain is +1.56% (close to close) & 1.81% (open to close).

    We want to be thinking about getting up on margin right here

    I strongly recommend you guys look to Pascl's real time offering, and take a look at 50d look at TM, CREE. IPG & GOOG (I own all these names, just follow the money) - 50d's shows you what is materiel Vs not.

    Pascal has given all u need to make a lot of $$$$$.


    +511 Club's - May 13, 2013.xlsx
    Last edited by Riskslayer; 05-13-2013 at 07:58 AM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Brussels, Belgium

    About Getting Up On Margin Right Here

    If you feel this is time to go on margin after 6 consecutive months and 3 consecutive weeks of QE-propelled gains without any meaningful pullback or correction, just when the Fed is beginning to lay the grounds for a “soft” exit out of QE and on an index options expiration week prior to an even more shaky VIX expiration week, I think you are becoming too complacent and long-biased opinioned. You probably didn’t prepare for a plan B just in case the market decides to sell-off suddenly due to a logical change in order flow at such a mature stage of a bull advance.

    We don’t know when the sell-off will come but it can happen at any moment from now on and we have to be ready for it. It might even be more nasty than usual precisely because of the current historical high levels of margin debt only seen just before the 2000 and 2007 crashes. Margin calls can create a panicky snowball effect; professionals know it and will seek opportunities to shake out investors exposed on margin.

    Now, I admit that topping most often is a slow process and vigilant observers of the market should have second chances to exit near the temporary highs. But that will happen on very volatile and frightening moves, not an ideal time to be on margin.

    Go on margin if you really believe it is the best strategy, but please take quickly your leveraged profits off the table while you have them and cut your losses as much faster as you are leveraged!
    Just your old chap sentiment here.

    Name:  Margin Debt.gif
Views: 2356
Size:  17.8 KB

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