AAPL is in a narrow range until options expiration tomorrow. There are an abundance of long term options expiring and the Market Makers typically want to keep the price penned in so that the maximum number of Puts and Calls expire worthless. This is called the "Maximum Pain" level and for tomorrow it is around $500. Then next week, the market will start jockeying the price in anticipation of 4th Quarter earnings report on Jan. 23. I will be curious to follow the TEV and LEV on AAPL next week to see where the big boys are positioning themselves for the earnings report. AAPL is typically very conservative and consistently under-guides its revenue and earnings causing "surprises" that can rocket the stock up after hours. The few times they have not meet expectations, the stock has taken some nasty "bottom droppers".

Tom DeMark, the technical analysis guru, came out this week and called a bottom at $494 and says he anticipates a rally up to $600 (just like your graph estimates)....It will be a fun ride!