I received the following message:

I couldn’t find in your “How to use the EV..” explanation to the last 3 column of your Excel spreadsheet:

“Short Squeeze…”( e.g. ERIC,JNPR..)
Earnings (e.g. ADM, ARMH..)
2D Extension buys (e.g. UAL,CSIQ..)

When a ticker will be associated in these columns.

This is related to the file found in the last link on the filters page.

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1. Short Squeeze:

This list stocks that have been down for 2% or more in the past three days, while EV has been positive.
When a general short squeeze is under preparation, this is where to look for ideas.
When the whole market is moving up, do not use this list.

2. Earnings

This is to quickly find the list of stocks that will issue earnings in the next two days

3.2D Extension Buys

This is the list of stocks that show the strongest TEV extension for the past two days.
TEV extension is defined as the distance between the TEV (Total Effective Volume) Average and the TEV true signal, as shown with the green arrow in the figure below. This distance is rated against the TEV average move for the past 60 days.

This filter could be interesting to find stocks that are "breaking out" in terms of Effective Volume.


Name:  BIDU.gif
Views: 634
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